Pray, serve, give at THCC
At THCC we have a culture of being generous with our time, energy, money and talents. We encourage people to see growing in these things as part of developing their spiritual gifts and following Jesus.
Prayer is the heartbeat of our church, we believe in the power of prayer to change lives. We come together as a whole church on the first Tuesday of every month at Husk. Prayer is a key part of our life groups and we welcome people to receive prayer at each of our services. Many are also involved with prayer triplets.
If you are in need of prayer we would love to pray for you.
THCC is an active church and there’s always plenty of ways to use your gifts as part of a team; from hospitality to administration to teaching children and more. We believe serving helps us grow individually and as a church family, as we give and receive from others.
If you have decided to call THCC home, and want to find out more about joining a team let us know.
We would love people who see THCC as their church to partner in our vision through financial giving to the church. As a church we see it as our responsibility to give generously to other churches and charities. The rest we use to fund the running costs of the church, community events and to provide financial help for those in need.
Give online
The best way to give financially to THCC online is by setting up an account with Stewardship. You can set up regular giving, give one off amounts and manage gift aid.
Give in person
An offering bag will be passed around during the notices each Sunday for you to add to if you wish.
If you have any other questions about serving, giving or prayer life at THCC, please contact us.