Worship with other Bengali Christians
The Bengali Christian Fellowship (BCF) welcomes people from Bangladesh, India and further afield for a service in Bangla followed by a Bengali meal.
Tower Hamlets Community Church oversees BCF, but we also connect with Bengali Christians (and those passionate about Bengali ministry) from across the UK and aim to be a presence among the wider Bengali community.
Join a Bengali Christian Fellowship Service
Second Sunday of the month
5pm – 6.30pm (followed by a meal)
We have a church-style service in both Bengali and English once a month where we teach the word of God, encourage each other and worship together. After the service we eat and share life together. BCF aims to practise Christian living as a group of believers, so providing spiritual, emotional and practical support is an essential part of our desire to reach the wider Bengali community.
Bengali Bible Study
Every Saturday
9pm – 10.30pm
Online – Zoom
Contact us for the link
As part of our mission to see God move in the Bengali community we meet together once a week for a Christian Bible Study. We explore God’s word, grow in friendship and pray for one another.
If you want to know more about Bengali Christian Fellowship events, please contact us.